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Sandwich Generation Survival Kit

How to Survive Being a Sandwich Generation Kid and Care for Your Parents Without Going Broke or Insane

Dear friend:

As a sandwich generation kid myself, I KNOW the struggles you are facing as you raise children, balance the demands of your job, play taxi for every social function and sports event under the sun…and take care of your aging parents to boot!

And as an attorney, I also understand some of the sticky situations you may now be facing as you transition into the role of caregiver for mom or dad.

Here are some common (yet easily preventable!) situations I see on a daily basis:

  • Mom or dad falls, breaks a bone and now needs an extensive rehab stay. Medicare only covers 20 days. They’ll partial pay for another 80.   Thousands of dollars of your parent’s money is now flowing out the door to cover this necessary expense.
  • You’re looking into Medi-Cal for mom because her medical bills are too much to bear.  Yet she needs to be at almost poverty level to qualify.  You’d hate to see mom lose her home or sell off what she has left to qualify but you don’t know what else to do.
  • Dad did a basic estate plan with a lawyer once and never looked at it again.  He is now incapacitated because of Alzheimer’s disease.  You rely on the estate plan to help you make financial and medical decisions for him, but the medical forms were all done prior to the HIPAA laws and his trust was never updated (meaning his assets are NOT really protected) from creditors or the care facility.

Sound familiar?

However, the good news is that these legal and financial complications are entirely avoidable (and at the very least manageable!) with a bit of guidance and advanced planning on your part.

So to help you simplify your life and put a rock-solid hedge of protection around your family as you deal with the challenges of raising children and caring for aging parents, I’ve created these 3 FREE resources that will help you discover:

  • The critical conversations you should be having NOW with your parents to avoid legal roadblocks or unforeseen complications that will ultimately cost your family thousands of dollars in medical and legal fees when tragedy strikes.
  • Important considerations in choosing the best long-term care facility for your parents and how to pay for it without sacrificing your own financial security and independence in the process.
  • Insider ways to protect your parent’s assets (and your inheritance!) from the hands of a nursing home—without jeopardizing their ability to get Medi-Cal Coverage (Medicaid) in the future.
  • How to ensure the RIGHT person has legal permission to make important end-of-life medical and financial decisions for your parents if they become incapacitated or unable to speak for themselves.
  • Vital updates that MUST be made to your parents estate plan/ trust to ensure the plan and won’t fail when your family needs it the most (as over 70% of estate plans do—even when drafted by attorneys!)
  • The truth about annuities, trusts, reverse mortgages and other scams designed to prey on the elderly and rob your parents of their hard earned cash.
  • And more!

It’s time to help your parents put their legal and financial house in order and remove some of the unnecessary burdens you face as a sandwich generation kid once and for all.

The information provided in this educational seminar will serve as your trusted roadmap in providing mom or dad with the care they want, and deserve in the final years of their life.

As Seen On


My wife and I have some quite large complexities both in our individual preferences and the construct of our life. When planning for our trust, Heather took the time to hear EVERYTHING we said. The trust which Heather formed for our family took all our concerns into account. When everything was said and done, we received a trust which, by design, is extremely personal to our circumstance. We also are delighted to have Heather to be part of our team of advocates to help when the time comes.