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Modern Estate

Modern life is complicated, from blended families, and loved ones with special needs, to the need for long-term care. The “traditional” estate plan, which focuses on planning for death and avoiding taxes, just doesn't cut it anymore.

Learn how our plans protect your family from unnecessary expenses, government delays, and helps you to keep control of assets and rights.

What's a Modern Estate Plan?

The modern plan is all about protecting you and your loved ones from unnecessary expenses and time delay of government interference and also keeping control of your assets and rights.

From blended families, to loved ones with special needs, to the need for long-term care, things can get complicated. The “traditional” estate plan, which focuses on planning for death and avoiding taxes, doesn’t meet the needs of modern life.  

It creates a system to keep you independent and protect what you have worked so hard for from predators, the government and long-term care costs. It also provides a system to protect your children should anything happen to you.  

While most people think of an estate plan as a list of documents, a good plan is much more.

Each plan is tailored to your families’ needs while providing peace of mind, keeping you in control and protecting your loved ones. Choosing an estate planning attorney is an important and careful process as it is an ongoing relationship as your life changes. 

Contact The Chubb Law Firm today to arrange your Peace-of-Mind Consultation. Our 20-year commitment in serving the greater Sacramento and foothills area is well-known and can produce just the right Foundational Plan for your loved ones’ future.

Typical Components of a Modern Estate Plan

Revocable Living Trust

Eliminates probate and the need for conservatorship proceedings with respect to all assets transferred into the trust. This trust centralizes management of assets during times of disability and directs the disposition of your assets to your chosen beneficiaries.

Spousal Protection Trust

For married couples wanting to minimize estate tax or provide asset protection to each other. We can ensure your children and spouse will be protected from lawsuits and unintentional disinheritance due to remarriages.

Children’s Trust

Ensure your assets are protected for your children. These trusts may include asset protection from lawsuits or children’s divorces. For clients who seek to maximize protection, we can craft trust solutions that preserve assets for generations.

Special Needs Trust

Ensure the inheritance you leave your special needs loved one will be available to improve their life and will not negatively impact eligibility for public benefits such as SSI and Medi-Cal.


Ensure all property is transferred to the chosen beneficiaries

Durable Power of Attorney

Ensure you are protected in the event you become unable to manage your affairs for any period of time

Long-Term Care Planning

Protect and preserve your life savings from the devastating costs.

  • Comprehensive Attorney-drafted Durable Power of Attorney that allows your spouse or another trusted person to sign documents and handle financial matters for you if mental or physical disability prevents you from managing your own affairs.

Advance Health Care Directives

Give directions to physicians and family members regarding continuation of life support systems and other medical treatment preferences.

Trust ID Card

Enables you to get assets transferred into your trust by simply filling the institution’s forms with your trust’s information on the card and delivering the form to appropriate institutions.

Community Property Agreements

Classify all property as community ensuring complete avoidance of capital gains tax upon the death of one spouse.

SafeGuard™ for Kids Plan

Protect your minor children, includes:

  • Comprehensive Nomination of Guardians for minor children that is effective during your lifetime (in case you become incapacitated) and not just upon your death
  • Short Term Guardian nomination to ensure that someone is available immediately
  • “Anti-nomination” of guardians to protect your children from relatives who would be poor or dangerous guardians
  • Instructions to Guardian form where you can provide essential information about your child’s needs
  • Minor’s Health Care Power of Attorney to allow trusted caregivers to authorize healthcare for your minor child if you are unavailable

Memorial Instructions

Express your preferences and protect your family from over-spending or suffering from uncertainty about your wishes after your death.

Estate Planning Portfolio

Contains all your original planning documents – electronic copies and forms.

Call The Chubb Law Firm today at (916) 241-9661 to review your goals and discuss your options.

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Heather was wonderful. She explained, in understandable terms, why it is important to establish an estate plan. I never realized what would happen, without a plan in place, and we could not bear the thought of our child in arms of absolute strangers while the court system sorted out his future.

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