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Planning For Wartime Veterans: Aid & Attendance Benefits, What Don't You Know

Planning For Wartime Veterans: Aid & Attendance Benefits, What Don't You Know

April 29, 2021

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


This educational webinar is designed for licensed attorneys and members of the public who want to know more about elder law planning and the Veterans Administration Aid & Attendance program. We will explore and dispel myths surrounding this underutilized and misunderstood program, eligibility requirements, and planning strategies to help those who qualify.

The cost of long-term care can financially devastate families. With costs averaging between $3,500 to $18,000 per month, it’s not uncommon for families to go through their entire life savings during the first three years of care. Thankfully, there may be some help for those who served our country during wartime.

The Veterans Administration offers a 3-tiered, tax-free benefit for wartime veterans and their spouses who need financial assistance or help covering the costs associated with long-term care. This includes as at-home care, assisted living, nursing home expenses, and unreimbursed medical expenses.

Unfortunately, working with the VA and accessing Aid & Attendance benefits can be difficult and frustrating. There’s a good chance that if you do it alone, you won’t qualify. Many veterans are turned away because they (and sometimes the VA) do not understand the VA’s rules or how to meet the VA’s asset and income requirements.

In this presentation, Heather Chubb will elucidate what legal practitioners should know to better serve their clients, who served our nation.

After you purchase this webinar, you will receive an email message from our Training Coordinator with a link to Demio, the Law Library’s webinar platform. You will log into Demio using your name, California State BAR number (if you do not have a BAR # put N/A) and email address to register into the live webinar.

Paid reservations must be received by April 27, 2021, two-days prior to the event on April 29, 2021.Cancellation of the event must be submitted 48-hours before start time for this webinar. Please see our Terms & Condition and the “48-hour Cancellation Policy” for further details.

**This webinar qualifies for 1-hour of “participatory” MCLE credit. The Sacramento County Public Law Library, provider #11100, certifies that this event conforms to the standards approved for educational activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education [Rule 2.7.5].

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Heather helped my mother get her estate in order before her passing. It was only after that we learned just what a great job Heather did. Recently, I had the opportunity to have the Chubb Law Firm help me also with my estate. I feel confident that Heather and her team helped me to consider all of the appropriate options and to make the right choices including options I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD! This is the kind of law firm one imagines when you think about getting good legal advice.

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